Hostel Elixir | Recipe by Stephen Buhner

I finally made this elixir for colds. The recipe comes from herbalist Stephen Buhner, my big idol.

Have you read any of his books? If you are interested in herbalism, do so. He has written Herbal Antibiotics , Herbal Virals , and a much-loved book on herbs for tick-borne infections. When he announced his death, his fans were in mourning. Stephen Buhner died on December 8, 2022.

This elixir is his recipe and I made it to honor his memory. I did what I usually do. That is, I take the herbs I have at home or those I could easily get my hands on. In other words, the recipe is adapted. Some of the trickier herbs I had to forgo. For example, Lomatium. I understand that it is one of the key herbs in this elixir, but I think that Elecampane and Horehound should carry the flag. He often uses Licorice Root as a synergist, i.e. an herb that enhances the power of the others. So bring it with you.


1 dl of burdock leaves
0.5 dl Åland root
0.5 dl elderberries (berries)
0.5 dl licorice root
0.5 dl mallow root

2 liters of water
1 dl glycerin
A little honey

I took 2 liters of water and brought all the herbs except the fennel to a gentle boil. Then I let it simmer on low heat until the liquid had reduced by half. Now I added the fennel. I put a lid on and let everything steep and cool down.

I strained the liquid carefully through a fine mesh strainer. Pressed a little so that as much liquid as possible came out. Now it was time to add glycerin and a little honey. I heated the liquid again a little and stirred in the glycerin. Honey to taste.

The glycerin and honey stabilize the elixir. Stephen Buhner writes in his book that you can also add tincture, which in addition to adding power to the elixir, also has a stabilizing effect. He suggests tincture of mullein.

Thank you Stephen Buhner for all the invaluable knowledge! Unfortunately, we will need it even more in the future.

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