Åland root is included in Örtfabriken's own tincture
Happy Immunity , which strengthens your immune system.
A delicious herbal honey can be made from the root of the Åland root. Wash the root and cut into small pieces. For my honey I used fresh root. Put the Åland root in a jar and fill with honey. Strain the honey after a month or so. This honey is great for both phlegmy coughs and dry coughs. But it can also be consumed just because it is so good!

Like little suns, the flowers of the Åland root radiate on tall stems. In the book
'The Green Mysteries', the occultist and herbalist Daniel A. Schulke describes the emblems of various plants as they appeared to him. The emblem of the Åland root is "a doctor wearing the Mask of the Sun, carrying a root of a medicinal plant".
For my inner self, I conjure up this emblem in contact with the Åland root. For those of us who walk the path of plants, the paths to the herbs and trees are many.
Text and image by Sara Bonadea George